LLC "TRIOGASBUDPROJECT" is a private law entity operating under its Charter and the legislation of Ukraine.

The company performs the full range of organizational activities, including works aimed at creating future technical capabilities for the Gas Distribution System Operator (GDSO) to provide natural gas distribution services. These activities are conducted in connection with connecting a construction site, an existing facility, or a reconstruction project to the gas distribution system. The company conducts hydraulic calculations and develops design documentation for the gasification of construction and/or reconstruction projects at the "Design" and/or "Working Documentation" stages. It also provides telemetry services.


Hydraulic Calculation for Gasification of Facilities

The hydraulic calculation work is carried out based on initial data and involves determining the parameters of the future gas pipeline. This is one of the most crucial stages in preparing for its construction (to ensure the selection of pipes, fittings, and equipment is as accurate as possible). Each hydraulic calculation involves determining: the required pipe diameter that will ensure effective and stable transportation of the necessary amount of gas, and whether the pressure losses during the transportation of the required gas volume through pipes of the specified diameter will be acceptable. The purpose of the hydraulic calculations carried out by TRIOGASBUDPROJECT LLC is to determine the pressure drop in the gas networks of the construction area when supplying natural gas in the required volumes for gas supply and to assess the technical feasibility of connecting each specific construction site to the gas supply system.

Hydraulic calculations also include the calculated maximum hourly gas consumption for the gas supply to the facility, a gas supply scheme ensuring reliable and uninterrupted gas delivery to all consumers, including prospective ones, during peak gas consumption hours, indicating the gas pipeline from which each individual facility can be connected. The hydraulic calculations of gas pipeline networks are performed to represent the expected gas flow and pressure patterns in the system when connecting a facility. As mentioned above, they determine the feasibility (specific connection point) for connecting each construction facility with the specified gas consumption to the existing gas supply system. For performing hydraulic calculations, the company bases its work on: the scheme of existing gas pipelines, the actual gas consumption by consumers with calculated hourly consumption, the initial design data provided by the client.

Design Works (Development of Design Documentation)

Design Works (Development of Design Documentation)

Design works (development of design documentation) are carried out in accordance with the design assignment, technical specifications, and applicable standards and regulations, including DBN A.2.2-3:2014 "Composition and Content of Design Documentation" (with amendments).

Technical Specifications

This is a document that allows the user to connect to the gas pipeline closest to their territory. By issuing technical specifications, the permitting organization guarantees its ability to provide uninterrupted gas supply to the specified facility and maintain gas pressure in the system at an appropriate level.

Design Specification

The design specification outlines the name of the facility, area, location, construction site, type of construction, basis for design, design stages, engineering surveys, details about specific construction conditions (seismicity, subsiding soils, undermined and flood-prone areas), determination of the consequence class (responsibility), complexity category, details about the type of fuel, the connection point of the facility to the gas supply network according to technical specifications, technical throughput capacity (total gas consumption, m³/h), main equipment, project scope, initial data provided by the client prior to design commencement, energy-saving and efficiency requirements, fire protection system requirements, and special requirements.

Before designing (preparing documentation) for gasification, a designer (an employee of LLC "TRIOGASBUDPROJECT") visits the site to conduct measurements. The placement of gas appliances within the premises is coordinated, and the brands of heating equipment are selected or clarified. Subsequently, a qualified and certified specialist uses a computer and appropriate software to prepare the documentation. The timeline and cost of preparation depend on the complexity of connecting gas to the construction (or reconstruction) site.

Telemetry Services (Telemetry Services)

Telemetry services (telemetry services) are provided by LLC "TRIOGASBUDPROJECT" using its own equipment. These services involve detecting and video recording the condition of the gas pipeline and unauthorized connections (illegal tapping) of unauthorized gas pipelines to the client's gas network, as well as determining their location in the field.

To provide such services, an employee of the company with the necessary equipment arrives at the client's site, conducts the required inspection, and based on the results, provides a video recording of the gas pipeline condition (or unauthorized tapping) on a flash drive.

Search and Determination of the Location of Pipeline Connections, Unauthorized Taps

High-tech video inspection equipment enables real-time detection of unauthorized connections to all types of supply systems. Our equipment provides high-resolution color images, which are immediately transmitted to a display screen and recorded onto a storage device. The distance traveled in the pipeline is measured by a special counter, and for precise location identification of the camera at any given moment, a radio beacon is used, which is already equipped on the camera and pipeline location device.

Our Equipment

Video diagnostics of pipelines is carried out in challenging conditions of increased pollution and humidity, so the devices are subject to special requirements.

  • RIDGID SeeSnake® CS12x 18V Digital Recording Monitor with Wi-Fi

    This is a comprehensive solution for diagnosing connections and providing inspection results directly from the workstation.

  • Ridgid SeekTech SR-20 Utility Line Locator

    A pipeline locator receiver is designed for active (using a linear signal transmitter) and passive (searching for electrical circuits carrying radio frequency signals or current with a frequency of 50/60 Hz) detection of the location of engineering networks and underground utilities.

  • FLUS FL-9G Detector

    The portable gas analyzer FLUS FL-9G detects and signals methane, propane, butane, and other flammable, explosive gases and highly flammable liquids leaks.


Awareness of the proper operation of gas transportation systems and equipment helps the population preserve the most valuable thing – life.

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In 2021, the company received a certificate confirming that the quality management system of LLC "TRIOGASBUDPROJECT" complies with the requirements of DSTU ISO 9001:2015 (ISO 9001:2015, IDT).


collaborates with the following construction companies in the field of gas supply project development:

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Our Address

+38 098 0351428

Kyiv, Yevhena Konovaltsia St, 36-B, Lit. 2A