2024-11-29 • 6 min

How to Properly Obtain Technical Specifications for Gasification

For proper acquisition of technical specifications for the gasification of a new object, individuals and legal entities must apply to the Gas Distribution System Operator (GDSO) with completed documents in the prescribed format. These documents include an application for technical specifications for the gasification of the object and a questionnaire for technical specifications for connection to the GDS.

Many errors are made when filling out these documents, which often lead to refusal to issue the technical specifications. To avoid or minimize such mistakes, LLC "Triogazbudproekt" recommends the following:

Regarding Filling Out the Application for Gasification Technical Specifications:

  1. Clearly indicate the name of the object, which must correspond to the issued urban planning conditions and restrictions, and its address.

  2. Attach copies of documents duly certified (for legal entities, this means the signature of an authorized person and a seal; for representatives acting under a power of attorney, their signature and surname as stated in the power of attorney):

    • For Individuals:

      • Copies of the applicant's passport and Taxpayer Registration Number (TRN).
      • Copies of documents confirming ownership/lease/use of the land plot (with a graphical plan of the land plot). These documents must comply with the legal requirements regarding the protective zone of gas distribution networks.
      • Extract from the city's land cadastre database (current cadastral plan).
      • Situational plan (map) showing the location of the applicant's land plot, its boundaries, and the buildings to be gasified.
      • Copies of documents confirming ownership/lease/use of real estate.
      • Up-to-date information from the State Register of Property Rights, including any encumbrances or prohibitions.
      • Copy of the technical passport of the building/structure (if needed).
      • Copy of the approved reconstruction project (if needed).
      • Copy of urban planning conditions and restrictions (if needed).
      • Copy of the power of attorney authorizing representation of the applicant’s interests.
    • For Legal Entities and Sole Proprietors:

      • Copy of the certificate of state registration (USR) and extract from the USR (current as of the application date).
      • Copy of the statistics certificate (EDRPOU), current as of the application date.
      • For legal entities, a copy of the charter and foundation agreement (if applicable).
      • Copies of documents confirming registration with the Tax Service (current as of the application date).
      • Bank details (for legal entities).
      • Copies of documents confirming ownership/lease/use of the land plot (with a graphical plan of the land plot).
      • Extract from the city's land cadastre database (current cadastral plan).
      • Situational plan (map) showing the location of the land plot and buildings to be gasified.
      • Copies of documents confirming ownership/lease/use of real estate.
      • Up-to-date information from the State Register of Property Rights, including any encumbrances or prohibitions.
      • Copy of the technical passport of the building/structure (if needed).
      • Copy of the approved reconstruction project (if needed).
      • Copy of urban planning conditions and restrictions (if needed).
      • Copy of the power of attorney or other documents authorizing representation of the applicant’s interests.

    Ensure all attached documents are duly certified.

Regarding Filling Out the Questionnaire for Technical Specifications for Connection to the GDS:

  1. Clearly specify the applicant's name (for individuals, the full name; for legal entities, the name of the organization).
  2. The responsible person can be a representative of the design organization or an authorized person under a power of attorney.
  3. The object's name should correspond to the urban planning conditions and restrictions.
  4. In the field specifying the object type, indicate whether it is new construction or reconstruction, depending on the required technical specifications.
  5. Include characteristics of the land plot where the building is located, such as the ownership type (state, private, lease/use) based on the ownership documents.
  6. Specify the connection type (standard or non-standard) as defined by the Gas Distribution System Code.
  7. In the "List of Gas Equipment" field, provide detailed names of the gas equipment to be installed and indicate the planned gas consumption. This directly impacts the reserved capacity.

Filling out this section requires specialized knowledge, so it is recommended to understand the equipment being planned for installation beforehand. Certified specialists can calculate the planned consumption only with a clear understanding of the planned equipment.

The equipment listed in the questionnaire will be included in the issued technical specifications. If the applicant decides to install other equipment later, the technical specifications will need to be updated, delaying the design and execution process.

Submit the duly certified package of documents, along with the application and questionnaire for technical specifications, to the GDS Operator. If the applicant is represented by another individual, the power of attorney must be notarized.

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